It's the start of something new...well, the actual "start" started 6 months ago, but it took me a while to start blogging. I finally caved for two reasons 1) pressure from friends and family and 2) I love perusing my friends blogs about their babies and lives and loves. Its only fair that I contribute.
My belly is growing and in a little over 3 months, we will welcome our little peanut into the world. Although every parent tells us to "enjoy the time we have before the baby comes," I'm ready to meet the little guy. I dream about what what he will look like and how he will feel in my arms. And although it feels so good in my imagination, I know that it will be a million times better in real life. Needless to say, I am not dreaming about the labor and birth...I try to avoid prolonged thoughts about that as much as I can!
Next post....the nursery pictures.