Yesterday, you were one month old. We celebrated by taking a trip to Truckee to meet Mimi and G-Daddy for a picnic lunch and playing at a park. You didn't peep the whole drive there and back and you were sweet as can be the entire time we played. That about sums up the past month. You are quiet and sweet, and resilient. I guess you have to be with your crazy/loud/fun big brother around all the time. I swear, his antics have actually made you a better baby though--definitely a better sleeper! You can sleep through just about any decibel level--it's actually the little sounds that wake you up. Like me opening a plastic bag or sniffling.
You started smiling real smiles this week. Big smiles in reaction to us--not just gassiness.
You spit up a lot. But it never seems to bother you. It does bother me though, so I am back to the "Liam-diet."
You are already out of newborn clothes and weigh ten pounds. Although, we think about half that weight is being stored in your cheeks.
You are a little fickle about the swaddle. You like it at first--falling asleep quickly after wrapping you up in it, but EVERY TIME we come back to check on you mid-nap, your arms are out and up above your head (just the way both Liam and your mama sleep).
We think you are perfect and that you fit perfectly into our family.