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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

3 months

You are three months.
You are, by far, the sweetest child I know.
You are sixteen pounds, twenty-four inches.
You are a drooler.
You have discovered your hands.  You reach them straight out in front of you, look at them for a while and then bring them right into your mouth.  You would prefer to get your whole fist in your mouth, but settle for the back of your hand (its nice and fatty), your thumb, or a combination of either two or four fingers.  Basically--whatever can fit in your mouth.  
Once, you tried to suck your thumb while you were eating.   You got pretty frustrated that you couldn't multitask.
Your cheeks weigh down your whole face.  And they are unbelievably kissable.
Your wrists look like they have rubber bands on them.
Your squeal is so high pitched, I'm sure you are communicating with dolphins or dogs.
You are the noisiest sleeper I know.
You sleep 11 hours straight a night (at least for the past four nights--let's keep this up!!)
You sneeze often, and always two sneezes in a row.
You burp louder and longer than a grown man.
You recognize your favorite faces and follow us with your eyes around the room.
When we aren't paying attention to you, you let us know :)
You love singing.  You prefer worship music to any other genre.
You have no interest in rolling over.
You aren't allowed to watch TV, but whenever we pass by one you are glued to it.
You can hold on to toys, but get bored with them very quickly.
Your favorite "talking spot" is on your changing pad.
You LOVE to kick and watch your feet move.
You like being read to and looking at the bright colors.
You grunt like a bear, squirm like a worm and squeal like a piggy.
You love your baths and have one every night.
You smell like heaven.
You are so happy.
You make me so happy.
You make your daddy so happy.
We love you to the moon and back.

love, love, love his smile

he's still not so sure about mr. fox

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