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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Disneyfun in Florida

Watching you experience Disneyworld and seeing it through your eyes... it was like it was my first time again.

From the anticipation before entering the park...  (I'm pretty sure you would have been happy just seeing the purple Winnie and Piglet cutouts on the gate!)

To meeting Mickey in person, FINALLY! 

From having breakfast with the Hundred Acre Wood characters... (I'll never forget how YOU started the "Tigger Train" around the restaurant and other kids followed you)

 To the awe of your first ride...

And, of course, the treats that come with the Disney territory... (seriously though, five dollars for that??)

It was a perfect day (aside from Auntie Katie ending up in first aid with Bronchitis and a 103 degree fever) and though you may not remember this trip, we always will.

Thank you, Mimi and G-Daddy for the special day and for treating us to memories we will always remember.  We'll definitely be back:)


  1. He has grown up so much! Still handsome as ever, though. Glad everyone had a good time in Florida!

  2. How fun! Your little Liam is so cute! Congrats on baby look fabulous. :) When are you due?
