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Friday, July 30, 2010

My priorities

liam hanging out with his mimi pelton

Liam is so blessed to have wonderful grandparents on both sides.  And Matt and I were blessed to have his Mimi here for our first night out without the little guy.  We left Liam at home for a date night with his Mimi, while Matt and I had a date night to celebrate the big 3-0.

We had a lovely dinner and, after checking in with Liam--who was having so much fun with his grandma--we even decided to tack on a movie to our date.  We saw Inception--which was so good and thought provoking.  And we made it back for the babe's evening feeding.  All in all, a good night.  Liam had no issues with us being away, and Matt and I decided that it is so important for us to have "just-us" time.

Matt and I have always said that when we have children, our priorities need to remain the same.  #1 Priority: our individual relationships with God.  #2 Priority: our relationship as a married couple.  And then, when we started having children, they would become our #3 Priority(ties).  We are cognisant that it is so easy to allow the child to creep up to the #1 Priority--and don't get me wrong, I am not saying that we are going to ignore our beautiful boy or put his needs on the back burner.

But I do STRONGLY believe that it is of utmost importance that our son sees his Mom and Dad love the Lord and love each other and be wholly committed to those covenants.

I was lucky to watch my parents model this.  When my dad got home from work, he had couch time with my mom first.  We had to wait for our time with him.  My parents went out on dates and left us with baby sitters.  They even went on multiple vacations without us.  Come to think of it, they went on their "good" (Hawaii etc) vacations without us and only took us on camping trips and road trips to Washington state.  And you know what, we were not deprived children as a result of this.  We were well adjusted, secure kids--mostly because we knew intuitively that our parents' relationship was secure and their commitment was real.

So with all that said, we are going to work on making sure that Matt and I have "couch time", that we go on "dates" and that we continue to keep our priorities in place.  And a trip to Hawaii sounds like a good idea as well:)  But I think we will bring the babe on that one.

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