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Monday, September 20, 2010

Happy Traveller

We just returned from a weekend trip to Seattle for Tom and Marissa's wedding.  I'll be sure to post more pics of the weekend, but first I want to brag about my son.  He is the BEST traveling baby in the world.

On both flights, other passengers avoided our row like the plague.  Little did they know that they were giving up a seat next to a professional traveling infant.  He played, ate, slept and smiled--but no cries.  I am so proud of my baby!

early morning flight

sleepy baby

happy as can be


  1. Passed your row like the plague?!?! You should see the people run past ours with the 2. Hilarious! ;)

    He is a cutie!

  2. Im sure you realized this... but Chris Mullins is in the picture in the row behind you on the plane!!! hahaha.
