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Monday, September 20, 2010

Meeting Nana and Papa

First stop in Seattle: meeting Nana and Papa (my mothers parents, my fabulous grandparents).  Of course Liam was right at home in Nana and Papa's arms.  Nana cooed, and Papa shared the secrets of life--Top of the list: "Stay away from women.  They are dangerous."

Being back at the Soran compound with my babe brought back many a memory of my childhood:

- Helping Nana bake her yummy "Nana cookies" (which she made for this recent visit, but I couldn't eat due to Liam's silly intolerance issues)
i didn't have pics of baking cookies, so a pic of cornhusking will have to suffice

- Styling my Papa's hair, complete with mohawks, "dippity doo" gel, aquanet hairspray and girly bows

- Sugary breakfast cereal (that we weren't allowed to eat at home); and Nana making us drink all the left-over milk (which we didn't have to do at home)

- Mowing the lawn on the ride-on
- Watching the coffee-table train go round and round (which Liam did--see below)

- Learning how to drive stick in my Papa's pick-up
- Staying up way too late and giggling with my cousins in the room above the garage
- Spending time talking with my Nan

- Relay races and zip lining with afore mentioned cousins--did I mention that there are 35 of us!?!
- Playing in the fort and napping in the massive hammock
- Painting my "spot" on the cow
- Helping my Papa with projects
he built this playhouse for us

A summer wasn't complete until a visit to Nan and Pop's occurred.

I recently heard that a grandparent's job is to enrich the child's life.  And that is exactly what my grandparents did.  The "enriching" had nothing to do with money or fancy gifts, but had EVERYTHING to do with time, love and making me feel important.  They provided opportunities for fun, learning, laughter and comfort.  Without a doubt, my life was enriched by the environment they created.

If you are reading this Nana and Papa, THANK YOU!

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